Publication Schedule

To facilitate control of your publications, you have direct access to your WordPress calendar from our interface, allowing you to easily see the dates of your publications and their status.

To access the calendar, click on 'Schedule' in the menu on the left.

You are synchronized with your WordPress calendar.

At the top left, you have 2 features:

  • The calendar format: Monthly (Month) or Daily(Day).

  • The status of your article: Published, Future, Draft, Private.


You see all the dates on which your articles were published on WordPress.


You see all the dates on which you have scheduled to publish your articles on WordPress.


You see all the dates on which the articles were added to WordPress but are in draft status.

This means you can still modify them before final publication.

A draft post is not visible to site visitors, whether they are logged in or not. Draft content is still being written and can be edited by authors and editors.

The draft can be revised and modified as many times as necessary before being published.

Once the author or editor decides that the content is ready, its status can be changed to "Published."

It is used when the content is still being created and requires revisions or additions before it is ready to be published.


You see all the dates on which the articles were added to WordPress but are in draft private.

A private post or page is only visible to users with an administrator or editor role on the site. Private content can be modified by administrators and editors. Other users do not have access to view or modify this content.

Private content is considered published, but it is restricted to a specific audience (administrators and editors). This allows certain content to be available only to high-level users without showing it to the general public.

It is used for content that is finalized but needs to be restricted to a specific audience, such as internal notes, private resources, or articles awaiting final review by a superior.

Last updated